Last date : 10 Feb 2024 13 Feb 2024
Registration window is closed

NSD-2024 Celebration at RRCAT

As we all know, Prof. C. V. Raman discovered the “Raman Effect” on 28th February 1928. To commemorate this discovery, 28th February is celebrated as National Science Day in India and the last week of February as Science Week.

Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) observes National Science Day on the last weekend of February every year and keeps laboratories open to students from schools and colleges in and around Indore to see and discuss some practical illustrations of the technologies being developed in this Centre.

This year registration for the schools and colleges will be done online. Schools and Colleges will be given separate account details to login and register for this event.

Dates for visiting RRCAT
Schools  24 Feb 2024 Click here to register your School
Colleges  25 Feb 2024 Click here to register your College


Important information for Online Registration
Registration Start Date   02 Feb 2024
Registration Last Date  10 Feb 2024
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For further details keep visiting Website.